The End Of The Republican Party

The End Of The Republican Party

Reject The Modern World Co.

Death By Identity Crisis

If you were to hold up a side by side comparison of the Republican Party of today versus that of yesterday. You would find only a small resemblance of what it used to be.

The Vision For America

Following the passage of the Constitution, America had the dilemma: What kind of Country should we be? While there was much debate amongst the newly founded government, two leading directions arose. Alexander Hamilton who was Washingtons top aide during the Revolutionary War would go on to be the first Secretary of Treasury, equipped with a strong personality put forward some ideas about what Americas future should look like. It made sense Hamilton would be the Secretary of Treasury as he was very forth right about American becoming mercantile when it came to world trade, while having America also be the leader in manufacturing. Hamilton was so staunchly dedicated to this idea he invested in the plan to make New Jersey the manufacturing capital of the world through strong infrastructure and securing patents. Hamilton was an elitist, and wanted to America to be governed by its members. He would later form The Federalist Party which would be composed of ““the rich, the able and the well-born.” Despite the feud that had just taken place by Britain and America, he was in favor America maintaining an affiliation with Britain - hence the elitist and global trade. Alexander Hamiltons vision for American would be juxtaposed by Thomas Jefferson who wanted populations of America to be small, self governing and sufficient in an agrarian nature. These small pockets of population would produce for themselves and sell to each other, surplus would go to surrounding populations but certainly not for international trade. It was no surprise that Jefferson side with the Anti-Federalists. For lack of a better term Jefferson was a democrat by definition in his era. He did not trust concentrated power and believed that in most instances local populations could govern themselves. Jefferson believed large concentrated economic power could be corrupt and as tyrannical as large concentrated government (foreshadowing much…). Unlike Hamilton he did not like Britain and was very fond of the French since they aided America in the war, he subsequently was an ambassador. Jefferson was fond of the way the French brutally treaded their elite, he would later refer to himself and his partisans as Republicans. The two imagined Americas arose questions of how democratic should we be and how much free speech should we have. Republicans were of the mind that the more free speech and more democracy we had the better. “Freedom of thought, and a free communication of opinions by speech or through the medium of the press, are the safeguards of our Liberties.” - Chapter 8: Securing the Republic, 1790–1815 On the opposite end Federalists believed that too much free speech and democracy was a threat. This might make the Republicans sound like better democrats but for context many were for the French Revolution. Before we move on, to understand more about the birth of the Republican Party search on about Hamiltons five point plan and Jeffersons counter four point plan. If we look at the Republican Party today, you will see many characteristics of Jeffersons Vision for America mirrored in todays Republican Party. They still believe that a large government or concentrated economic power still poses a large threat to individual liberty, similar to Libertarians things like National defense is best handled by the federal government, however since the New Deal Republican believe the Federal Government has taken on to much. Local free markets will provide the best economic opportunity to its people.


The Missing Ingredient

To this point we described the Republican Party, its foundation, original beliefs and how those beliefs could be mirrored today in its modern form. And until this point you’ve likely agreed with a large portion of it if not all of it described characteristics. However, we left out one key attribute of the Republican Party which likely carried it from its foundation until today. One key characteristic that is erroding and without it, we predict will fracture the party in the years to come or out right bring its demise. Christianity. Many people today, particularly democrats or further left on the political spectrum of the typical modern democrat will argue we are not a Christian Nation, nor founded as one. And this could not be further from the truth. We need to look no further than the signs written all over our Nations documents, memorabilia or monuments. Many will counter with “It doesn’t say which God” or “The Founding Fathers were agnostic”. To that I rebuttal with the original State Constitutions. Nine out of the thirteen original state required you to be a Protestant to hold a position in government. All thirteen required you required you to have a declaration of Faith. All of which required you to profess said belief publicly that Jesus Christ was you Lord and Savior. Admittedly we as a Nation regardless of political lines, this was the standard across the board. However as we have seen today this largely encompasses right of center parties like Republicans.

Lost Identity

You have likely seen something of the 2024 RNC, undoubtedly you saw Hulk Hogan screaming Trumpimana as he ripped off his shirt, then cut character and gave a candid speech on why you should vote for Donald Trump this election. What you might not of seen is Israeli flags, Jewish hip hop performance, Harmeet Dhillon leading a Sikh prayer and cam whore Amber Rose giving a speech on the state of the Nation (Maybe we will make a shirt). Many have passed off as appealing to a wider voter base in order to win an election. But what does that mean for Republicans, more importantly what does that mean to be a Republican? When we look back at the description of Thomas Jeffersons vision for America and you see foreign flags (Research AIPAC) inside one of our founding parties convention, how can you not see globalism? When you see Jewish hip hop performer, Sikh prayers and porn stars preceding a presidential nominee, does that resemble a Nation founded by Christian Faith?

The Quartering RNC 2024 Election

TheQuartering on Twitter (currently X)

It seems there has been an invasion of the Republican Party by a younger generation only motivated by economic and foreign policy. Combing through Twitter (currently X), you will find droves of “Republicans” who do not understand the parties foundation and that the name is synonymous with Conservatism. It is profoundly confusing to find swaths of people who self describe as a Republican who share traditional economic and foreign policy issue but embrace liberal social policies and cannot seem to discover the term Libertarian as a better descriptor for their political stance.

Michael Alan - RINO

Blair White Trans Republican Imposter

Leonarda Jonie on Twitter(currently X)

A Slow Demise

While the introduction of cherry picking international conflicts and allies to align with is concerning. Without the Culturally Christian basis in which the Nation was founded and the Republican Party carried into the modern era. It is likely we will see one or many scenarios play out if the course is not corrected. The modern Republican Party could morph into the Democratic Party similar to that of the 1980s through the early 2000s. While if the upcoming election and future elections are in their favor, we might see a brief golden era. Things will become more economically stable, foreign affairs might go stale, social tensions will take a brief pause. But that will probably be short lived, politicians and the organism they reside in tend not to like giving up popularity or power. The big tent will have to get bigger.

The problem with expanding the base of a political affiliation, is the original constituents that propped you up will likely become alienated. Ousting your base and their adjacent members tends to fracture groups. And just like the Democratic Party of 2012 and 2016 we saw many new left leaning groups arise to the top of the vocal sphere such as Progressives and Democratic Socialists (lets be real, they are just Socialists). “Republicans” at this point may not be as in tune as Democrats are to come together on particular issues. For instance Moderate Democrats are often at odds with Progressives about how we should pay for things, but they can definitely agree on who should pay for them. Democrats and the far left cannot agree on the hallmarks of Americas history, but they definitely can agree on how to disavow Americas hallmarks.

A Nation In Decline

The Republican Party is arguably the last bastion of hope for the American identity. That Identity was derived from Christian Ethics and Culturally Christian morals and traditions.

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